I love #Mizzou. Since being here, I have fully embraced being a Mizzou Tiger. However, though, based on my tweets, you might think I hate it here! I don’t.

I simply value accountability, and I want to see the university I am apart of become better.
“But if you love it so much, why do you critique it and want to change it?”

Because I know that I am afforded the luxury of loving my university and not facing systemic issues because of my privilege.
Whether it’s a statue on the quad or a professor making an insensitive joke, there are things that I could easily ignore. But the thing is, I LOVE being a Mizzou Tiger, and I want to do my best to make this school better for others as well.
Hearing the stories of my classmates, seeing entire threads under #BlackAtMizzou, and Maneater articles about discrimination in Greek Life, are all indicators that we have a ways to go.
But I choose to hold my school administration accountable, because yes, while my Mizzou experience may be enjoyable, it isn’t that for others. If you love Mizzou, love it enough to want positive change so that other students have a reason to love it just as much as you do.
That is why I am #StillConcerned, and why you should be too. @MIZ_ISC_2020 @Mizzou @UofMisery @StackmanBill
You can follow @cotton_e120.
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