Sometimes anti-racist education is’s like I’m moving into a house. And someone stops by.

“Can I help?” They ask.

“Sure!” I say. “You can start by-“

“I’m going to go check your AC unit.”

“I...but I don’t want that. I just want-“

“Gonna clean your windows.” (1)
“My windows are fine.”

“Ooh this box says fragile. I’m gonna move it.”

I sigh. At least we’ve moved in a somewhat better direction. “Fine. Just be careful with it please.”

They pick up the fragile box and slam it into walls and drop it 9000 times. “Look! I’m helping!” (2)
I try to ignore the tinkling sound coming from inside the box. “Uh...yeah. Thanks. Can you just set the box down in the dining room?”

“Why? What’s in it?” Their face is suddenly scrutinizing.

“I don’t want to tell you that.”

“Well why should I help if you won’t tell me?” (3)
I grit my teeth. “It’s some fine china.”

“Oh. That belongs in the kitchen.” They start walking that way.

“NO. It goes in the dining room. You wanted to help and that’s what I need.”

They glare. “Well your house will look BETTER with it in the KITCHEN.” (4)
We stand, staring at each other. Technically, we want the same thing: to get my shit moved, to get my house in order. But this person who doesn’t know me, nor have they ever set foot in my house, is now telling ME what will put things right. Is this real life? (5)
At this point, I’m now exhausted from moving AND from arguing with this idiot. “It’s MY house and it’s MY stuff. You can’t tell ask me how you can help and the TELL ME what helps.”

They slam down my box of stuff and stomp out. “This is why no one will help you move.” (6)
Seriously, y’all, don’t yell about how Black lives matter if you’re going to yell over every Black voice that tells you you’re doing something wrong. Then you’re not helping; you’re mucking shit up. (7)
We didn’t give a shit about Aunt Jemima or Band Aids or amusement park rides. LISTEN. When we say posting graphic videos of us dying is traumatizing, LISTEN. Otherwise, you’re just damaging shit and getting in the way.

And we’ve got enough of that already.
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