The debate over the future of @USPS has often overlooked one key group: the 2.2 million people in prison and jail. Mail is a critical lifeline for many incarcerated people. Here are 8 reasons why dismantling the Post Office would be devastating to people behind bars.

A thread.
Many incarcerated people and their families stay in touch via letters, birthday cards, drawings & pictures. States have already started cracking down on physical mail, citing security issues. Gutting the Post Office could make it even harder to communicate
The @USPS is critical to ensuring that incarcerated people have access to the courts. Many people in prison file their own appeals and motions via mail. Timely mail delivery gets their paperwork postmarked and received by court-mandated deadlines.
Do you have a loved one in prison or jail? Let us know how the Post Office helps you keep in touch with someone behind bars using the hashtag #MailBehindBars.
You can follow @Nikki_Lew.
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