Masks in schools. Short thread.

I write as a parent, an ex-school governor, a GP and someone who does research on masks.

Kids get COVID-19. Extremely rarely, they get it badly and may even die. Very often, they pass it on to others, hence may contribute to outbreaks.

The laws of physics apply to kids same as to adults. Hence there is no magical reason why kids’ droplets would behave differently to adults’ EXCEPT that kids (especially little kids) have smaller lungs.

Being made to wear a mask on the bus and in the sweet shop but take it off on entering school leads to cognitive dissonance. It’s stupid, inconsistent and the kids know it. Policies need to be joined up.

Binary reasoning (masks v not) is wrong way to approach the problem. Must consider AT LEAST 4 interacting factors:
-Ventilation (outdoors v indoor-draughty v indoor-stuffy)
-Activity (shouting /singing /chanting bad)
-Distance (but “2 metres” is not magically safe)

Scotland’s idea of masking when in stuffy crowded corridoors and chatting between lessons makes a lot of sense. BUT if kids are in unventilated classrooms, 2-metre separation won’t protect (because virus is very likely airborne). So not perfect.

A child who won’t wear a mask is like a child who won’t eat broccoli. Much depends on social/family norms, expectations, modelling, practice, etc. A child who can’t put on a mask is like a child who can’t tie their shoelaces. But see next tweet.

No distressed, panicking, frightened child should be forced to wear a mask. Attempting to make them do so is abuse. No child should be humiliated, shamed, victimised etc. This means anti-bullying policies must be part of mask policies.

All kids are different. Just because your child wears a mask no problem doesn’t mean everyone else’s kid should be expected to have no problems. Many kids’ medical conditions and other unique traits are not visible (and they’re none of your business).

Creative masking (fave characters, fave colours, matching siblings) seems to be a middle-class thing. Nice – but not what many kids are getting at home. Reality for many families is how on earth will I afford these masks, especially if my kid keeps losing his/hers?

For all these reasons (kids are different, schools are different, extended families are different), I believe schools’ masking policies need to be set locally, through dialogue and preferably involving the kids.

What have I forgotten?

That's a LOT of money if you've got 4 kids and are on benefits.
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