2020 kpop songs i dislike thread
starting with more & more, terrorism in the form of a song. i absolutely despise twice for this one like this is actually garbage
then there’s punch and it gave me a headache the first time i listened to it, usually nct 127’s tts are always shit but somehow they make it worse every comeback
left & right, now this one makes me giggle cause they somehow stole the original song and made it 10 times worse i didnt even know that was possible
wannabe, i’m surprised a song can even age this bad. i cant even listen to the first 5 seconds without getting annoyed or bored
i hate dumhdurum so much i never liked it but i’d rather not continue
the apink one ahaha
i dont hate inception but i hate ateez so i’m adding it anyways
now dynamite is a good song but i always skip the beginning because of this mf’s annoying voice why he gotta ruin everything
i wouldnt be me if a i didn’t throw a skz song in there, please stop with the auto tune this is actually sick. an abomination
i’m gonna scream how can anyone listen to dun dun willingly its so bad
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