it is helpful to listen to international voices when they tell Americans how thoroughly we are fucked in this election.

as long as leftists attack Joe Biden more than they attack Trump, then Trump will win. no true leftist would want Trump to win, even a little.
the Dems are scared because the people are waking up. the only thing they have left to cling onto is "Trump Bad."

we win by taking down ACTIVE + PASSIVE FASCISM. more people will die under 4 years of Trump, EASILY.

create a new world while you prioritize saving lives.
the thing is, we have more progressive voices who will be able to overtake establishment Dems. we have nothing of the kind in the Republican party.

I don't know what the answer is. I don't want to vote for Biden. I'm just thinking out loud. our efforts may be counterproductive
I know this is an unpopular take among leftists but I believe it needs to be shared.

electoral politics isn't the end-all-be-all. consistent organization and activism is how we change the world for good.

this moment should radicalize you for life. we the people have the power.
we're not going to get our ideal situation with this election in any capacity. we need to stay loud, but think contextually. pivot when needed.

when Dems cite incrementalism, you know they're lying. but -- in reality, BEYOND POLITICS -- incremental changes are often the only way
you don't make many life changes overnight, especially when there's heavy integration that needs to be unraveled.

destroying everything = zero foresight. what about the people whose lives rely on some semblance of government assistance?

protest. organize. educate. LISTEN.
by the way: the entire world is laughing at us right now, and they see the train wreck coming. leftists don't want to listen, though.
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