Black people get called ghetto, Black children are being suspended from school, Black people are getting discriminated in the work force for for simply wearing braids. & yet you think we’re supposed to be okay with white women using box braids as an aesthetic????? Gtfo of here!
California literally passed a law a while back making it illegal for Black people to get discriminated against in the work force; for wearing their natural hair or protective styles. It shouldn’t be a law in the first place! So once again, it’s more than just hair
I’m tired of some of you white people telling us black people what we should & shouldn’t be mad at. Especially when it comes down to talking about issues within our culture. & stop rescuing other white people when they get called out on their BS. It’s embarrassing & laughable
Another thing, quit asking Black people to educate you on this kind of topic. Most of you genuinely don’t want to learn. You just want us to tell you what you want to hear & get upset when we don’t. You’re dismissive of our feelings & we have a problem with that
There’s plenty of articles out there that are proof that it’s not just hair for black people. Our hair should already be accepted. But it’s not in some places. & It shouldn’t have to take a non black person to wear them for it to be acceptable within our society.
What I said amongst this thread will most like make somebody mad. Quite frankly I don’t care. If you say something racist or ignorant, not only will you get blocked, but you’ll also get called out. You can delete your tweets, but I’ll still have a screenshot of what you said 😘
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