You NEED to allow for fluidity in your understanding of lgbtq+ people... if you want everything to be labeled and branded, you need to rethink or else youll be very shocked and confused by real people, a lot of whom exist and have lived experience outside of a label
one time i (a nonbinary trans girl) introduced my republican mom to my friend who is a cis butch lesbian and it destroyed her brain! she coudnt see the difference between being a butch lesbian / being trans
When it comes down to it, why do we even need to explain the difference? This person is who they are and I am who I am, and the difference is evident in how we present ourselves and how we live our lives. & theres a ton of similarities too! Its not cut and dry
our identities are often fluid and trying put all identities in boxes is futile when youre talking about such a vast and varied spectrum. If someone is talking about their identity and its something you dont have the capacity to understand, allow yourself to sit w it and adapt.
if u let go of the compulsion to be judgemental about this stuff maybe youll make more progress within yourself + your internalized bigotry. I'm still unlearning a lot of stuff I was force fed for half of my life in a conservative christian environment!
The tendency to judge people is a normal human flaw, but to be a compassionate person w the capacity for love you need to unlearn it, so that you can exist w other people in a community, & have positive relationships, where you can love the people in your life for who they are.
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