YOU ARE A SLAVE: Taxes Edition

A multi part series of threads dedicated to examining and discussing all the outsider imposed limitations keeping you from achieving your full potential. The goal is not to blackpill but to expose these sham systems
If you're like the majority of Americans, every two weeks you get a paycheck from your workplace for 1/26th of your agreed upon living wage. But you don't get to keep it all. Generally 25-30% of it is withheld from you.
No one asked you for it, you didn't opt into it, they just took it. The federal, and in most cases, state government have claimed a large portion of your pay like they were entitled to it.
What do these taxes go to? Of course they fund worthy things like military, schools(?), police, infrastructure, libraries, etc. But a heavy majority of things you are paying for are things you will never see.
Welfare programs that you don't take advantage of because you go to work. Public health care that you don't qualify for because your income is too high. These programs aren't for you and never will be. But you pay for it anyway and will continue to do so.
The recipients of these programs should at least be grateful to you for funding this, right? But they despise you. They say you owe it to them and they'll never thank you for sacrificing 30% of your paycheck that you could be spending on your own family so they may eat every day.
If you wanted to take advantage of these programs you would have to cheat. You are married, with a job, kids, a house. You could lie and say your wife is a single mother with kids etc and reap all the benefits. But you follow the rules and get rewarded by paying more.
There is no reward for being a productive person who contributes instead of takes. You are just required to continue paying into programs you'll never see. It's seen as your obligation. You are required to contribute in order to continue participating in this society you've built
The salary of an ordinary congress person is $174,000. There are 538 congress people and they all have staff and advisors. You pay for all of them to go to DC and write laws on how to responsibly spend your money, right? But what do they spend it on instead
Foreign aid, social programs, diplomatic nonsense in nations who don't matter, endless wars that never benefited anyone, NATO, the UN, the WHO. Your federal tax money is a slush fund for the advancement of elitists' political strategies which will never benefit you in your life.
You fund the public education system, because what is more important than the education of our youth? But what do your children learn? They are taught to hate you, themselves, God, their history, and everything that made the country they live in possible.
Teachers go to public universities (that you pay for) to learn how to be a good communicator of communist beliefs and relay that to your children while you have no input in what your child learns in a place where they spend more time than they do with their own families.
If you opt out of the public schooling system, you should get a tax break since you're not taking advantage of the services your taxes pay for, right? Wrong. You get no credit, the burden is on you to jump through the hoops to withdraw your children from their brainwash camps.
In return the public education system turns out thousands of obedient lemmings every year who parrot the words of their masters that you are evil and need to pay more to fund more programs for more people who hate you, and you will be publicly ridiculed for opposing them.
That's the whole point. You may not opt out of this program. The system needs your money and requires your cooperation, so much so that there is a federal enforcement wing dedicated to ensuring your compliance. The penalty for violating this is greater than most other crimes.
Idiots think you don't pay enough. They believe they are entitled to even more of your earned paycheck. Why? Because you're privileged; you owe it to the rest of them to fund their lifestyles. They're emboldened by serpentine politicians who enable this to boost their voter base
It's always about votes. You pay the most into the system therefore you should have more skin in the game, and therefore deserve more weight in the electoral system, right? Wrong. Your vote is cancelled instantly by someone whose house, food, life, you pay for. You will never win
"Equality" is the worst lie ever sold to people, next to democracy. You aren't equal in the eyes of the IRS. So why should you be equal in the eyes of the electoral system? But that's racist, everyone needs to be equal everywhere (except in eligibility for tax funded programs)
Want to start a business? Now in addition to income taxes, you're on the hook for payroll taxes, excise taxes, etc. The system is designed to keep you dependent on an employer to fund your life. It actively discourages enterprise because of all the hoops you must jump through
If you want to start a business but also have a family you are also going to need health insurance. The public health care system is a joke (if you can even qualify for eligibility) and again is designed to keep you dependent on an employer and never strive for independence
You couldn't even pay cash for a plot of land to go off the grid and withdraw from society entirely without at least needing to continue paying your property taxes. They will always find you and they will always win.
The structure of the western government is a bloated corpse which has outgrown its usefulness and now requires overcharging willing participants like you to continue funding this culture of decadence and waste and repays you by telling you how evil you and everything you love are
They tell you that you are racist for not wanting to fund programs that are disproportionately enjoyed and abused by minorities, then they say you're even more racist for opposing immigration from the third world to amplify the programs that will inevitably expand your tax burden
White men are the only demographic in America who are a net positive as a tax burden over the course of a lifetime. Every other group in the country relies on you to get up, go to work, and drop over a quarter of your paycheck to fund their existence and share equal voting rights
You of course comply because the demoralization is complete. You continue to participate in this system that benefits everyone but you because you have no other options and are powerless to change anything about it. You are a slave.
You can follow @punisheddixie.
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