THREAD: So let's consider how laughable the idea of Chad Wolf, aka @DHS_Wolf, as a Senate-confirmed DHS secretary should be—compared to the resumes and experience of his predecessors:
1) Inaugural DHS secretary was Tom Ridge: Vietnam vet, 12-year veteran of the US House, six-year governor of Pennsylvania (nation's 5th largest state), two-year stint heading the White House Office of Homeland Security after 9/11 before DHS's creation.
2) Next up was Michael Chertoff, a Justice Department legend—famed career Mafia prosecutor, US attorney, federal judge, and one-time assistant attorney general of DOJ's criminal division (before the creation of the National Security Division, so Crim oversaw terror cases too.)
3) Obama's first secretary was Janet Napolitano: Another career prosecutor, US attorney, Arizona attorney general, and governor of Arizona (nation's 16th largest state).
4) The fourth DHS secretary, Jeh Johnson, had also been a assistant US attorney in the Southern District of New York, general counsel of the Air Force, and general counsel of the Pentagon.
5) Trump's first DHS secretary, John Kelly, was a four-star Marine general, a top commander of US forces in Iraq, and the head of US Southern Command—overseeing military operations across Central and South America and the Caribbean.
(Trump's second DHS secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, was also supremely unqualified to be DHS secretary, but at least she had a law degree!)
6) Now let's check on @DHS_Wolf: A US Senate staffer turned Bush era political appointee at TSA, who then spent ten years as a lobbyist landing contracts with TSA....
. @DHS_Wolf has never served in the military or intelligence, never worked in law enforcement, never worked in a courtroom & would be the first DHS Sec to not possess an advanced degree & just the second with no law degree. The other non-lawyer? Gen. Kelly, he of two masters'.
In a sane world, @DHS_Wolf wouldn't make the top 50 names on a possible list of DHS secretaries, not to mention the fact the GAO says he's been serving *illegally* even as acting secretary for the last ten months. Counterpoint: Oh hai supremely unqualified DNI John Ratcliffe!
This isn't an endorsement of the preceding secretaries—but DHS secretary might well be the second-hardest job in US Gov, after SecDef, and has defeated far more experienced and competent leaders than Chad Wolf, who about the best you can say is he was an *average* lobbyist. /END
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