I want to talk about cult conditioning since the topic has been brought up in terms of She-Ra,, I was born in and I didn't escape till I was 18 almost 19,, colts completely change your perception of the world you aren't allowed to get outside views it's the whole point of a cult.
One of the biggest things in colts is a focus on losing your personal identity I was in the Jehovah's witness cult I wasn't Michael the Jehovah's Witness, I was Miss Jehovah's Witness. Every aspect of my personality had to be created around the cult outside education would lead
To Violent punishment and condemnation, to rebelle was to be thrown out onto the street to lose everything. And the only way to get back in was to act as perfectly like a witness as you could while being completely ostracized from your only allowed in-group. Hordak went through
This because he was disabled, I experienced this as a Jehovah's Witness who couldn't make it to meetings because I physically could not get there and no longer had the stamina or physical ability to "witness" and for the longest time you don't let anyone in, because letting
someone in would be defying that cult programming and risking everything. To let outsiders in is a death sentence in terms of being in a cult. Hordak never let anyone get close to him, she didn't want to have the ability to not be re accepted by his society. And when he finally
started thinking for himself, and was at his lowest believing he would never be let in to his in-group again he let someone in. and not only did this person give him the companionship he had been denied for centuries because of cult condemnation this person gave him hope that he
would be able to not give up on something he had searched for and tried for, for literal centuries. When entrapta gave him help and hope, he latched onto her with everything he could. When I left the cult I tried for months to do anything to get back in and the first time I let
my guard down enough for someone outside of the cult it changed my whole life. I began to see outside views, and realized that the entire basis of my morals was wrong, when entrapta told hordak so that his imperfections make him beautiful, I felt that, because my whole life in
The cult I was treated like walking inspirational porn, or berated for not having the same abilities as other people. I was thrown out for disability at the end of the day. To this day I have to actively work to correct my thought patterns and raise my morals and to this day I
Still get doubts from the gas lighting and cold conditioning. At the end of the day hordak was a victim you can hurt people and be a victim, the reason he wasn't killed was because who he was wasn't his fault, he was doing what he had been programmed to do since day one and the
only reason he was able to change was because he let someone on the outside in. Just because he is a victim does not mean he cannot hurt others and no one is every required to accept his apology if he does change the things he did to hurt others will always affect them however,
That does not mean he cannot experience ableism his entire life story was a story of ableism and cult conditioning,, the reason so many people relate to him it's because the way they ended the show they gave us hope that even one of the worst people can change for the better.
We need to have more open discussions about cult conditioning and how a person can do horrible horrible things because they are a victim of it. It completely changes the way a person is programmed and can have effects on you for the rest of your life.
And that's part of the reason it was so important hordak didn't die, how hot would it be if the show had ended with hordak dying, after all the preaching of how your imperfections are perfect was done, and how he is the most visibly disabled character in the show.
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