things victon’s hanse should ACTUALLY be known for — a thread
i decided to make this thread because i noticed that he’s often only talked about when it comes to his mental health, which bothers me a bit. he’s much more than just a good looking depressed idol who’s currently struggling a bit with his mental health.
1. rap skills

he’s an incredibly talented rapper. he does not only have the flow, the speed and the technique, he also has a very unique voice, which makes him easy to tell apart from other rappers
here’s a short freestyle !
2. duality and stage presence

he can basically go from this
to this
3. humor

tw // feet

idek what to say he just makes everyone laugh ALL THE TIME
4. fashion sense

hanse’s fashion sense is outstanding. not only does he know how to pull off an outfit, he also tends to go against society’s gender norms with it. and he does it with full confidence!
5. tattoos

talking about norms. as u might know already, tattoos aren’t as normalized in south korea as they are in the west. getting a tattoo in SK is illegal and viewed as a medical service. it’s only allowed if the tattooist is also a qualified medical practitioner.
this already gives u an idea about the way having tattoos is seen in korea and the judgement that may follow. especially idols often have to cover their tattoos with tape (usually while performing at music shows).

well, guess who doesn’t care about that? correct, hanse.
let’s talk about one specific tattoo and it’s meaning, the semicolon on his wrist. hanse is very open about his tattoos, so he‘s very open about topics regarding mental health as well. seeing this tattoo on him honestly makes me believe he’s very strong and has faith in himself.
yes, he does face struggles with his mental health sometimes. but, knowing that he overcame it once, i trust him enough to believe in his strength. i know that if he overcame it once, he can overcome it a million times and i’m 100% sure he knows that as well
6. bonus !

his laugh 🥺🥺
so, in conclusion !

hanse is not just an introverted sad boi for y’alls aesthetics. he’s much more than that. sweet and encouraging messages are always highly appreciated tho, especially when he’s having a hard time !! just don’t blow things out of proportion.
his instagram is @/dxhxnxe, in case u wanted to send him some support messages 🥰
adding this here!
shamelessly promoting myself here ,,,

i’m an artist and i would really be happy over a bit support 🥺
i haven’t done commissions yet but i might do commissions in the future + i have ideas for projects hehe

instagram: @/atzutopia
You can follow @hanseprint.
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