Speaking of an innumeracy that plagues ppl's assessment of problems...Jill Lepore makes an astounding claim that 2/3 of Americans treated in emergency rooms had been injured by police or security guards.
h/t @PsychRabble
The correct number is .1%.
👉Tip of her error-ridden iceberg👈

Meanwhile, I am STILL trying to wrap my brain around how 2/3 of Americans can have been treated for one thing & 2/3 treated for another.

@PeterMoskos dissects the #s w/a rare panache👇

Tip, meet Iceberg!🤣👇Back to @PeterMoskos as he dives into the REST of Lepore's claims.

"Her article has so many errors. But rather than refute her point by point [...], I’m just going to present my own history of the invention of police."
Oh furious Fact Checkers, where art thou when it comes to errors in the New Yorker & other ideologically aligned brethren?

Where r all those technically-correct-but-substantively-WRONG fact checks on the kinds of pieces that LED to this Big Silly of Lepore's claim?
Yet another time when I silently salute the Big Wonder of a democratizing internet that allows the untitled fact-checkers among us like @PeterMoskos to correct the record.
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