maybe the main problem in the lgbtq+ community is that we constantly give attention to the ppl that aren't inclusive of the identities within our spaces which creates the false perception that the majority of any single group hates the majority of another group
example: how often do you see massively rt'd tweets that say "lesbians hate bi ppl" and "bi ppl hate lesbians"

i see both of these narratives dozens of times a month but don't personally know any lesbians that hate bi ppl or bi ppl that hate lesbians. i'm aware that these ppl
exist but not nearly to the degree that sns discourse tends to make it.

tbh, if we spent the majority of our energy uplifting inclusive voices instead of pointing out all the ppl that are exclusionary, maybe everyone would feel less hated
honestly, i don't know if there's a single subsection of lgbtq+ that i haven't seen the "lgbtqs hate us" sentiment in and it makes me wonder... if everyone hates each other to this degree how to we make progress and create the communities we have. the most sensical conclusion
i've come to is that there's hate and exclusion in the community, yes, but those voices are loud and opinionated at every turn where ppl who are inclusive of the whole community don't feel the need to state that they're inclusive to every single subsection
i say all of this with the caveat that the cis gay community has had, and continues to have, a lot of problems when it comes to discriminating and dismissing the experience of trans ppl. that's something that absolutely needs attention and to be addressed
idk what do y'all think? obviously we've all run into shitty ppl here and there bc a community as big as 'everything except cishet' means there are going to be a lot of bad actors, but in your personal experiences does that narrative track with the ppl you've met?
it just seems like most big movements that cause problems stem from the assumption of intolerance. i.e. the bi/pan lesbian argument seemed to come from the belief that lesbians are inherently exclusionary and have been gatekeeping the term 'lesbian' for generations
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