I've been holding up this for long but I guess its high time you guys start respecting each other's profession.
Its been an year since I joined a Veterinary college and I am very proud of it. I am proud that I'll be of any help to the helpless souls in future.
But people have left no stone unturned to make me feel bad about the fact that I didn't get MBBS and got BVSc instead. "Human docs are still considered superior to vets". Well guess lets not compare the two and let them flourish in their own fields?
I am often told that "Society has no respect for you vets and take this truth with a pinch of salt. You are not real doctors and only MBBS students are the real ones." Please google the meaning of a doctor and then give your 2 cents opinion on this.
And to my local twitter followers here. Maybe stop using the word "Dangar doctor" and learn how to pronounce VETERINARY for once? I really love what I am into and will take no shit about my profession.
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