Could we get any uhm. Any occupational psychologists to weigh in on the world at large? Say you were given a world to work with, dysfunctional in its own ways, yet good &full of love many myriad ways... like ours.... theoretically* how can we rearrange things for optimal health?
Picture of a sketch of my dog attached. Description with ALTText (I think...)
I am being vague to begin with on this question because I don’t want my agenda to influence any discussion.
I mean i don’t think this is a bad thought experiment to try. Can I have some cool cool people kindly and gently escort our first opinion on up to the mic? And could We get some water..? I is a thirsty gorl
I started this account 7 days ago so I’ve got all the time and the least amount of risk... in the world.

That’s an homage to @JeremyClarkson hey man nice to see you’re taking care and being yourself. Keep it up my guy. Truly.
If the end result i want is increased discussion on the State of Things, then I intend to put down roots here with you all and fight it out and gnash my teeth, mostly because I have TMJ, but also because COMMUNICATING IS HARDER THAN EVER THESE DAYS.
I am talking to you, the doctor, you, the machinist, you, the florist, you, the antique store owner, you, the Etsy shop owner, you, the gamer, you, the musician, you, the chief tech officer, you, the convention center profile, you, the Fortune 500 company.
The thing I love about Twitter and social media is that it’s not that much different than writing letters in general. The character limit is a little annoying but it helps me stay focused on what I want to say. What I need to say to get the result I want.
Let’s talk. Let us just be here now. If we were willing to let it be, let it be... and sit in our homes and mask up and BE. then what else can we do in the mean time? But continue to make connections, build bridges, in a world that feels like it’s absolutely on fire?
Idk how else to use social media without losing sight of myself. I’ve seen others lose sight of themselves and I love them all the same. But I love myself too much to let it eat me alive.
Say what you will about the sheer volume of my own replies to myself, but if this thread falls on the right ears of the right people I’m sure I’ll be right here to listen right back at you. In 7-10 business days.
You can follow @daggerOWO.
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