I was looking for a photo of a friend in a unicorn maskimal head and found tiny painting photos I thought I lost!

First up: an angry infectious mono. Kiss your way to a sore throat and an increased chance of some lymphoproliferative disorders.
Haemopholis influenzae has several subtypes, but type B is vaccine preventable and ffs vaccinate your kids. It's horrific. Causes meningitis amongst other nasty things.
A trio! Cancer cells present in different ways depending on the type of cancer, but the cells are grossly abnormal, sometimes clump together.

Yes, that tardigrade is flipping many birds.

Zooplankton was my intro to microscopic stuff in university.
Vaccine preventable illnesses, folks. Smallpox (eradicated), measles (we were so close you fools!), polio (also so close! Augh!), Hep B, Rubella (plz be vaccinated, especially pregnant folx, it can seriously harm bb)
An early influenza before I went crazy with details, and the happiest lymphocytes on earth, ready to go after the flu.
And last, but not least, syphilis.

I get a lot of requests for STDs.

A /lot/.

It's hilarious and I love it. Thus concludes this trip down memory lane. I'm going to paint some over the next few weeks to go towards my eventual move to Toronto!
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