Little happy birthday thread about the most perfect man I’ve ever met.

We met when I was a jr in high school and he was a senior, despite the fact he’s only 3 days older than me.

The night we met
Our favorite fish
Senior homecoming
First anniversary in Disneyland
Our first concert together which may or may not have been Russ
That Valentine’s Day he pulled up to a tattoo place instead of dinner and said if you get one rn I’ll buy and I said full send
9/12/16 iykyk 💍
Couple lil cringey matching pics bc of course
Huuuuuuge outdoors type of guys day
Shoutout this man for being my best friend, my soul mate, my everything. I can’t wait until the day I get to be Mrs. Keyt, and we have little gingers running around the house. I’m sure I’ll update this more today but for now, it’s mother fuckin Kote day baby round 22 LETS GOOOOO
When he came up to school for our birthdays last year and we were already hammered and I gave him this jersey :’)
WAYYYY back in 2015/early 2016 when it was still scandalous that I was dating THE infamous Koty Keyt ;)
Shoutout having gnarly clear braces my senior year of high school
When I was 3 bloody Mary’s deep on thanksgiving and we were sent to the store and got everything but the single thing we were supposed to
No other man in the world who I would want to help drunk me put shoes on
Oh my god I’m gonna sob my goodbye when he dropped me off at the dorms freshman year of college
And now you do what they told ya
Teaching anh to Ollie and just watching your friendship in general. I gained a best friend too when we started dating, and I can’t wait for the rest of forever going on adventures with you and Anh
Nighttime Cheerios in hs 🥺
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