Throughout history, it's been women—the female sex class—denied education, erased from history.

This was deliberate. Keeping women ignorant is essential to ensuring our subordination.

Now that women are becoming educated, elite universities claim we don't exist.

Historically, universities began not to educate, but to prevent people, the "wrong" people and especially women, from receiving education. To this day 2/3 of the world's illiterate are female, a holdover from centuries of men explaining reality to us.
Men called us dumb while they denied us education. Men called us wanton, lewd, sexual in nature, while they set up the sex industry to ensure access to our bodies.
Men called us whores while they created pornography.
Men called us gold-diggers, while demanding we work for free.
Men called us submissive while they beat us into submission.
Men called us emotional, while they acted out violence as "crimes of passion."
Men called us hysterical, while they said "boys will be boys."
Men called us insane, yet sociopaths are overwhelmingly male serial killers.
Men said women were animals by nature, but also that we talk too much.
Men talk more than women and are heard.
Men said our base desire is to have babies, but rape women to such an extent that pregnancy is a leading cause of death for teenage girls globally.
Every negative stereotype men have accused women of being is a reflection of their own projection onto us, and this hasn't ended.

Now men claim their projection of women is what we essentially are, and it is their "human right" to say so.

Women are human, not a male projection.
When women reject male ideas of "what", rather than who we are, we are the ones accused of hate speech.

Men can reduce us to their fantasies, and hypocritically, this is not considered hate against women.

I reject entirely the male perspective of woman as a feeling men can own.
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