The @reserveprotocol community has been growing rapidly. For the benefit of the newcomers, I want to lay out how I see Reserve's thesis as a project by stating a set of propositions, which if you believe, then you likely share our conviction about the future of Reserve.
1. The biggest opportunities in crypto today are in offering a sovereign, borderless, digital alternative to badly managed fiat currencies and unreliable, politicized financial intermediaries. This market dwarfs the current crypto speculative trading market.
2. The biggest hurdles to adoption in these markets are the inadequacies of existing fiat on/off ramp solutions, the volatility and tail risk of crypto assets and stablecoins respectively, and a host of UX problems that make interacting with sovereign money intimidating.
3. A decentralized stablecoin backed by a dynamic basket of crypto assets and a passionate governance token holder community, provides the ideal set of trade offs between robust stability and decentralization.
4. What Coinbase did for American investors, Reserve needs to do for the developing world - both consumers and enterprises. This means providing simple, bespoke applications built with the savings & payments needs of the developing world in mind.
6. The end user should not even have to know they are interacting with crypto to enjoy its benefits.
7. Ownership/control of such a network should be both concentrated and diffuse. It will take both a genuinely decentralized community of passionate individual backers and large stakeholders with significant incentive to push adoption of a stablecoin on a global scale.
8. The team best suited to spearhead this effort is one that draws on the expertise of people who have thrived under the difficult monetary and political conditions crypto hopes to solve.
9. The crypto industry is just getting started. We've barely scratched the surface. Crypto will far larger than it is now in 5 years and nearly unrecognizable. There are many open frontiers left in the space, especially for stablecoins. The big winners have not yet been decided.
You can follow @whoiscsmith.
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