I hate when ppl act like lesbians and bi women dont share most of the same spaces/community irl. bi people that prioritize women will naturally be in the same spaces as lesbians / other people that prioritize women.
bi people that prioritize men and reproduce heterosexism in their lives will be in spaces that prioritize men + the cisheteropatriarchy. Its ok for lesbians to want these people/spaces seperate
especially since lesbians are the ones who had to create these seperate spaces???? like lskdslkdks sorry lesbians circles / spaces usually include bi women, there isnt rly gatekeeping when there is mutual investment in... loving women
so when lesbians do try to gatekeep their shit and bi women start crying its so 🤡 if u had lesbian friends irl ud know there is rarely any lesbian-only gatekeeping. But lesbians should have the right to construct their own fcking spaces however and with whomever they want!! Sry
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