Many thanks to @AlexandraErin for directing me to this article. This is just such a clear illustration and articulation of the moral & intellectual collapse of the GOP. I've long felt that the GOP is a lit fuse heading to a massive bomb. This confirms it.
People are going to be hurt when it explodes, no matter when it happens, but re-electing Trump feels like a work order directing Wile E Coyote to just throw more TNT and Acme Rockets onto the pile. The longer this goes on, the bigger the boom is going to be and the more people...
will get hurt in the meantime and when it finally goes off. This is the 11th election in my lifetime and, while I'm a little hazy on my state of mind for the first several, I'm certain this is the most terror-filled I've been about one. I was fooled by 2016 like many others.
Frankly, I hope like hell the GOP completely collapses into irrelevance and the Democratic Party becomes the center-right party is used to be (minus the enshrined racism) while a New (Deal?) Left arises to solve the real problems Reagan's legacy bearers have left us with.
To be clear, I don't want the Democratic Party to move rightward. I want the Democratic Party's current position to signify the furthest right our country believes is reasonable to be. Shift that Overton Window, folks.
OH! ALSO!!!! If you don't already subscribe to @AlexandraErin's substack newsletter, do yourself a favor and do that now! 

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