As a student studying for my bachelors in psych, I find it very alarming the amount of posts I see blaming people for things they have no control over. Telling people to “just do shit” & “be happy” when they’re dealing w depression, anxiety, etc. isn’t helpful at all. -
These are chemical imbalances within our brain, it makes it so hard to put in effort to fucking anything when you feel debilitated because of your mental illness. So how fucking dare people that don’t suffer w these problems give their opinions. -
Especially this “love & light” twitter. You can’t just BE POSITIVE & wish everything away all the time, it’s a flawed rhetoric to blame people for “negative vibrations” they carry that they work to overcome every day. We’re human. -
Do you know how hard it’s been for me to express myself in any way let alone get out of bed when the world feels like it’s crashing down around me? It’s not “taking the easy way out” & “not facing reality”, this IS fucking reality for a lot of us. -
Fuck anyone who’s been trying to downplay your mental illness & make you feel like you’re farther away from god or true spiritual enlightenment bc you’re a human being w emotions that aren’t always cut & dry. -
I’m so sick of people who have mental illnesses having to justify the way they feel, act, etc. Educate yourself before you open your mouth & talk about something that is obviously none of your fucking business to begin with.
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