Since the rumors first aired, it has ways been in the back of my mind. Today is is official.

Ever since I first got wind that StL was getting a pro team I was ok, let's go. Then I first encountered Jeremy Alumbaugh who sold me hook line and sinker.
It was always about the football. Sometimes it wasn't pretty, sometimes it was downright dire.

But it was great. It was ours. Pic is from first goal scored at home by Barklage
Driving 12 hours to both Harrisburg and Colorado Springs just to turn around and drive 12 hours home after a 2-0 loss still seems a folly. I'd do it next year too if I could.

Hanging out with @DVOtwosix in Harrisburg. Was very drunk and he is really nice bloke
Brad with a mountain goat in COS.
But when Jordan Roberts stops the ball from going out, drops it back to Rich Dixon who passes to Irvin Herrera who pings at 30 yard curler top bins against RGV it makes it all so much better
Driving to Tulsa and watching us score 5. Worth it.....
Driving to OKC Energy and winning 2-1 in year one. Worth it.....

He came from El Salvador to go to Tulsa and score 4. Top man is @enriquherrera17
Went to Charleston for family vacation and took in our game. Away fan section was pretty lonely but I got to meet Bobbi and Phil.
I stopped doing the pre and post game show on @BigSportsShow with @jdheuer so I could bring Ewan to games. This is his team too. He feels the pain. His relationships with the players will bring me joy to my last breath.
This was his first home game. 3-2 win against RB2 in year 3
I'll never forget the 4-3 win at SKC 2 years ago. Nor the Open Cup there in year 1. Austin Martz and Guy Abend scoring at Lindenwood with @Dutch_Bluesfan. Or the last minute Sam Fink header to sink FCC in 90th minute last year.
I'll never forget being woken up by paramedics after passing out on bleachers after a bottle and half of red wine before a game in 95 degree heat.
James Musa smashing a 35 yard free kick past @DVOtwosix 5 years ago at Orange County after Ryan Thompson saved a massive penalty. Then Mike Ambersley running length of field in Sacramento and escaping with a 1-0 win
Taka running on field getting a yellow card in final minutes of beating Charleston Battery after Aaron Horton scored winner to come back from 2-0 down.....
Love you @KentaroTK
Patrick Schulte. 18 year old keeper saving our asses. Legend
I remember us beating TFC2 with an own goal when we so badly needed a win, Peter Kelly winning a free kick out of nothing to waste time at end.
So many players who represented this city. Bryan Ciesulka who's Dad came and stood with us in corner.
Parker Mahers mom always came over and said hi to me even when we played SKC2 and he was on opposition.
Shame we didn't see what Barks could of done healthy. He owned midfielders when he was on the park.
Dejan Stojkov, screaming at 16 year old Aeden Stanley in a friendly down in Springfield..... poor kid.

Mirko's broken leg..... what could of been had that not happened.
First time we played away in Swope. It rained. A lot. It was a deluge on way home after 3 hour rain delay. Stripped paint off Adam Bukhards car. Thankfully Dave's driving got me home. Was wild
Dikwa. Man. What can I say. Ewan will follow your career until it is time to hang up your boots. Thank you for being his friend. And hi @Tina_Hilton_
I'll never forget Albert scoring in Sacramento, 2-2 come from behind tie and waking Ewan up to tell him we came back from 2 down and you scored, he fist pumped in his drowsy state.
It was all worth it. I've made friends on and off the field. I've lost them through daft SG drama and made up again when celebrating our team pull out a win. Winning cures a lot of ills.
I've lived in STL for 8 years and this team has been around for all but one of them since initial announcement. Helped me settle into the city I call home.

Listen to @ThisIsSiLLyPod also....
Some absolutely unbelievable memories I'd not swap for the world. Giving the finger on YouTube and Shut up Dickhead
We always wanted to see something special on the field.

We didn't always realize we had it anyway.

Much love to every single player and staff member through the years. Just like bus 2...
It will never be forgotten.
You can follow @LouliganBird.
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