we'd be lucky if our government was trying to fight the last war, instead we're fighting at least 2-3 wars ago
as i lay here with all of CA on fire and hurricane season in the Gulf

with the start of the year being marked by Australia being entirely on fire

we as a society have already been losing to the climate we have wrought in spectacular ways
and what have we done as things slowly got worse, leading us to this year? Kept fighting the last 2-3 wars and never even thinking about what has been building in earnest for the last few decades
i've long disliked the US's investment into its military and truly what good is it at fighting wild fires, helping people during hurricanes, and the aftermath of those and many other worsening parts of the climate
it's big and useless

i would so much rather be spending all that money even on a massive standing force of firefighters and search and rescue operators over a military geared for the last century
(not that a fire fighting force as big as the current US military is a solution to climate change, but it'd still be a hell of a lot better than what we got now)
i dunno, end of thread i guess

Things have been bad for a while but theyre just going to keep getting worse if nothing changes
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