Hey materialist eco-commie dude, I'm less than a minute in and I've already got my TRA bingo card half full, but while we're here, can you explain why women have been oppressed for the last 5 thousands years and what it has to do with capitalism and environmental crisis? https://twitter.com/InfoSnores/status/1295789587764215808
Because Engles is here and he wants his analysis back.

As does the whole of eco, materialist, and socialist feminism.
Have to say though, the frank admission that they're reasoning backwards from the conclusion that we're being carted off to the gulag any minute now is refreshing...
OMG, I just got to the bit where they accused mumsnet of stochastic terrorism 😂😂😂

Hey people, you know what the most consistent indicator of lone wolf shooters is? Violence against women.

So, can't wait for this iteration of 'how mumsnet makes patriarchal men commit violence
against trans women'...
Apparently we only don't commit violence because we don't have the capacity.

Because we are such a tiny minority, and not because we're left wing feminists.

Um. Okay.

But we're still kind of terrorists. Or something.
"It doesn't affect the circulation of capital"

BOOM. There you go.

So why is it going to bring the system to its knees again?

And why is every big techno-corporation lining up to support it?

You absolute muppets. You've been played.
So, you talked about capital.

Are there any other 'big structural forces'?

That might, you know, have something to do with women, and their appropriation, and their need to have boundaries?

I wonder...
Apparently when Julie Bindel 'cut her teeth' and laid the foundations for TERFism back in the 80s she also 'arguably did some good feminist work.'


This might be the first time the word 'feminist' has come out their mouths other than in defining the slur.
Ahh so we got to Engels, who is a baddie, b/c he committed thoughtcrimes involving providing a material explanation for women's oppression.

Maybe we could have a history of Engels and how he had a demonic dream and channeled the origins of evil witchcraft on the left in 1884?

Can you people not even decide *which fucking kind of essentialism* we're supposed to be guilty of??

Have a word with Sal, because I thought we were evil for thinking biology exists?
Oh noooooo, a documentary called ANGRY WIMMIN.

That sounds BAD.
Apparently we have a lineage, and you can trace us all back to a cluster of journalists and other women with institutional power or married to people with institutional power in various iterations or um something...
Oh no, reclaim the night and campaigning against the media blaming women for being murdered by the Yorkshire Ripper.

Yes, that does sound like very alarming behaviour.

This is amazing. The hesitation in their voices while they try to tell you that the women who started Reclaim
the Night and the origin of all evil.


In the States???

Is the crucial turning point in the evolution of British TERFism...???

Didn't see that coming.

TERFism is caused by the reuniting of 'girl-bossism' and lesbian separatism....

*microdoses some acid*

Go on...
Apparently most of the big name TERFs were lesbians but now most of them are married to some "minecraft E-sports person."

This shit is fucking GOLD.

The pauses are getting longer and longer.

Because its hard for the brain to work properly when half of it knows it is making up pure platinum bullcrap.
Well, at least 'THEY'RE TRADE UNIONISTS' (*evil cackle*) makes a nice change from 'they're in league with the far right'/'Nazis'/white supremacists

Apparently our links with trade unionism are evidence that TERFism is an upper echelon class project.

Do you have the receipts for all the Guardian articles that have supported our classist elitist trade union E-Sport lesbian separatist Reclaim the Night project?
We gave out some leaflets at lefty events.

Then they either through us out (yeah, they threw us out), but *if they didn't* then something something bellweather something powerful individuals something mainstreamed.

Apparently a lot of bellweather unspecified things have 'gone in the TERF direction.'

Would be nice to know about all these institutions under our sway? Headsup where we can go hang out without being called evil bigot witches and people fantasising about sending us to the gulag?

So now you know.
Oh, now they realise they're engaging in red menace domino theory bullshit.

Yes guys, you are the Kissinger-esque McCarthyite authoritarian assholes here.

Are you getting jiggy with it?
Oh it's okay, because Kissinger was wrong that the commies were bad but they are right that Woman's Place is a classist trade unionist E-sports project.
Okay, so now they've got themselves to 'he's wrong and I'm right because reasons.'


That definitely sounds like a compelling basis to send a bunch of feminist women to Siberia.

Those fucking Marxists, being all materialist and class based and shit, I mean, REALLY.
Marxists read Marx and get Marxist ideas out of it.

It's a problem.
Oooh no, not *vulgar* materialism???

Sounds nasty.

The claim is not that it's against materialism to be trans you fuckwit.

It's against materialism to erase sex as a political category.

They never ever ever ever deal with the actual fucking argument.

Because they can't.
Okay, so this is it, you simply don't understand a single fucking things about the trans rights movement, it's political program, the efforts to politically erase sex across public life, and its effectiveness.

You can sit here and weave bonkers fairy stories about where the
evil TERFs came from and how its got something to do with lesbians marrying E-sports dudes or something, but let me tell you this...

The one thing that comes over most clearly here is that you know we are winning this. And we are not winning it because we're some weird upper
echelon trade union network of powerful used to be lesbians or something...

We're winning because we have arguments about what is happening that actually bear some fucking relationship to reality. And most people aren't on board with coercively making everyone pretend one of the
most basic features of the human material world was invented at the time of the colonisation of the Americas or whatever.

Deal with what we are actually saying.

Or there is only one way this goes.

Which is the only way it goes, because you've got nothing.

Thanks for the lulz
Oh man, I need a lie down now....
OMG I can't stop.

Now he's going to explain how social reproduction theory and the materialist appropriation of reproductive labour can be dismissed by talking about billiard balls and models of atoms.

If he goes to wavicles I will lose it.
Okay, so the reason why it's totally Marxist to dismiss everything about reproductive appropriation is because we are applying a billiard ball model to social and political reality, and "IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK."

I'm convinced.
Hoooray, I am CURED.

I will escape my vulgar materialism and be delivered into the arms of idealist McCarthyite identitarian neoliberal bullshit that 'doesn't affect the circulation of capital' forthwith!

Yeah, that's right, the analysis of how the structure of domination originated in the appropriation of land/bodies is just totally and massively useless.

Okay mister eco-commie.

Or is it just that exploitation only matters when it doesn't involve those fucking annoying women?
So now we're Stepford wives.

Well that genealogy of how Julie Bindel and Linda Bellos became Stepford wives was supercompelling and well researched.
Thinking Engels has something to say about the relation of reproductive appropriation to the development of private property/capital accumulation and the oppression of women is 'Super perverse."
Apparently our analysis is:

"Womb = this = this"

That sounds like a stunning model with great explanatory power now doesn't it.

Could you maybe, um, rehearse the argument? Just a thought?

Nah, why bother..

'TERF psyche'

'Gordian knot' (fancy way of saying we can't make one coherent intellectual point here)

'Just have to cut through'
So you can't explain one fucking thing that makes sense about what we say but you're just going to finish with a nice flourish of using a weapon against our psyches.


Right side of history, you never disappoint.
Yes, you have just made up a simple (not actually simple but really quite contorted) narrative about why its okay for two young people to sit around fantasising about being lethally violent to feminist women.

The answer is you are nasty misogynist little shits.

Now they're on the gay panic thing. Because women wanting single sex spaces away from males is just like patriarchal men's fear of being buggered.

And they don't even notice that middle aged feminist women are not homophobic patriarchal men.

Because we don't exist.
They keep talking about bathroom bills. Like they don't know what country they're in.

Anywhere their claim is that our aim is to produce a situation where people can kill trans women and justify it.
This is the basis of the claim that we are engaged in stochastic violence.

So basically, feminists make men kill trans women version 7,998

Or maybe, its because trans people will get worse houses, and that's 'death by a thousands cuts.'

So we should be sent to a gulag.
Now they're having a go about us constructing TRAs as an evil amorphous all-encompassing force.

Lol no projection then then.

We don't like TRAs because they threaten our nodes of structural power.

What are those then?
Okay, I listened to some of the rest with @hatpinwoman.

There's an pretty class bit where they start having a go at us for being rubbish fascists and not having our own SS and instead just mailing MPs and shit like um, we're in a democracy or something.
A tory MP who has spent his thirty pound dinner allowance on caviar has just been interrupted by a spad to announce that Woman's Place is here to discuss the transgender menace.

No. Me neither.
"We'll throw the mums little Timmy's carcass to pull apart with their bare hands."

That's what the Tory Mp will think. About throwing a bone to Woman's Place. Apparently.
Terfism is the reproduction of abuse.

Which rears its head, like the hydra.

And there is it.

The gaping snake mouth.

Every. Single. Time.
You got a problem?
And now they're talking about chopping off the hydras heads.

This, was the image, on the frontispiece, of my PhD, on the ontology of rape.

I think it's maybe the purest symbol of male dominance in our culture.
For the final flourish, the people who have been randomly quoting Eco's text on ur-fascism will now talk about us as a 'parasitic growth.'

Please tell me Chris Morris made this.
So, the final solution to the TERF-squad is to reproduce revolutionaries, apparently by giving your mates some water when you go on marches, as if that wasn't something people who are not assholes have done since forever.
You now know how to future-proof your perfect utopian leftist space against the evil terven horde.

Drink more water. And share it with other people.

That's all folx!
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