Story time. I was a female NCO in charge of a supply truck bring food and schools supplies to a newly built school in Iraq. My job was to oversee the proper placement if stuff from the truck to the storage room. I was the only female on this mission.
I was ordering my men and their Iraqi counter parts where to put the stuff and ensuring safety. I noticed after a few minutes ALL the Iraqi soldiers sat down leaving my guys to do the work alone. I asked, through the interpreter, why did they stop working.
The Iraqi men said they refused to take orders from a woman. They said they'll sit until I was switched out. I was PISSED. I was working just as hard carrying boxing and water. I earned my place to "order men". I grew angry the more I thought about it.
I told ALL my guys to get off the truck and stop what they were doing. I said no American will continue until the Iraqi's get off their asses too. The interpreter was talking to my senior as my men were climbing down.
The Iraqi soldiers started to get upset. Tensions grew.
The Iraqi guys got on their feet and were shouting. Then it was two sides, our guys and them.
I started thinking that we were wasting time. I walked away from the area a few feet away. One of my friends, another leader came over to check on me. I was upset.
I told my friend I walked off because this wasn't worth fighting. You guys go ahead and I'll stand over here resting. Fighting for my ego for women or for my anger wasn't helping. I wanted to deescalate the situation so we can get this work done and go back to our base.
Who knows how crazy it'd got if I forced them to work with me or did a long speech about women.
Everyone had weapons, it was hot, and people were tired.

I rested in my truck cab sipping on cold Gatorade until it was finish. My friend said he only took over if it was ok with me.
I know this story didn't have the cool ending of me being a told badass and standing up for women. But I think I made the right decision to deescalate a potential problem.
Being a leader is hard and tough choices need to be made. We're still human but we gotta think.
The end
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