At this point it’s a well-oiled bullshit machine
Fabricate or misreport the initial story, carefully curated to fit some culture war talking point. A day of newspaper "reports", ignoring the explanation, then 2 days of talk radio call-ins and Grimes-outliers joining in. Trending on twitter. Wait for it to reach a crescendo.
Then arrange a photo-op and get Johnson to say "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this, but by jove..." Come out with 'common sense' response to the false story. Rile up the base, paint him as everyman truthteller against liberal establishment. Easy win after easy win.
In the past a lot of this tactic (pioneered by Johnson when he was a journalist) was aimed at the EU, as a "Euromyth" - bendy bananas, banning barmaids boobs etc. Before that, it was aimed at the "loony left" - BaaBaa White Sheep etc. I guess after Brexit we'll go back to that.
The whole machine works like clockwork but given the predominant political leaning of the British press, and the huge boost the liberal press has given to anti-left tropes in the past 5 years, I can’t see an end to it. It spells a very grim future for the U.K.
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