
It’s not any less of a holiday just because you’re not going abroad. Your classism is showing.
To expand on this: a staycation means a “stay where you are” vacation, ie. your home/city/immediate area.

If you’re travelling a couple of hours to another part of the country, that’s a holiday in its own right.
Holidaying in the U.K. (or wherever your home country is) has suddenly become “trendy” because of COVID, and now people are looking for a “trendy” new term to slap on it. As if travelling within the U.K. is some sort of consolation prize because we can’t travel abroad.
But guess what? Lots of working class families HAVE ONLY travelled within the U.K. for holidays. Even pre-COVID. And relabelling your legitimate holiday as a “staycation” is invalidating a lot of families very real circumstances.
Intent =/= Impact.

Your intention may not be to invalidate someone else’s experience or circumstance, but that’s what’s being done when you use the term “staycation” instead of just saying “I’m going on holiday to Devon.”
anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk lol
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