I tried to watch the RNC last night. Some thoughts. The RNC is a cult around a personality under the guise of a unified party. Everything said last night was revisionist history - there was no organizing principle, no vision for governing. Zero accountability. Zero leadership.
Conservative Christians, I’m pleading with you - you cannot serve God & a demagogue - it’s clearly written in Matthew 6:24. Christians, who blindly follow Trump, need to be outed for their hypocrisy bc this is a dangerous time to misrepresent the teachings Christ. It’s wrong.
There is nothing pro-life about 170k+ Americans dead bc of a Trump’s reckless & selfish response to a deadly pandemic. Why is there such a singular & revisionist approach to the preciousness of life, when it’s clear Trump doesn’t care about any life but his own?
Lastly, by faith alone, it’s clear Biden, while also a flawed human being (like all of us), strives to emulate Christ - the love, humility & compassion. Trump does not reflect Christ in any way. I believe in grace & forgiveness, but you need an introspective soul. Trump has none.
Vote your moral conscience on Nov 3. God has given you that moral compass. Listen to it. We have an opportunity to reclaim the soul of this nation & it starts with a humble moral leader. As the week progresses & as we have seen the last 4 years, the current president is not it.
You can follow @bohan.
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