The Black Lives Matter movement was founded by three Black women. Countless Black women have died needless deaths because of police brutality. For white women to erase Black women as mothers of a movement and centre themselves in a narrative of anti-racist struggle is disgusting.
White women acting as though anti-racism and feminism are in competition have chosen their stake in white supremacy over the liberation of all women, Black and non-Black.
There is nothing subversive about two white women deciding that a public reckoning about police brutality and all the Black lives it has claimed across continents - women, men, and children - is insignificant. This casual indifference is why BLM was necessary in the first place.
There are countless ways to challenge femicide and male violence against women - both of which Black women are subject to, along with police brutality - that do not involve shitting on anti-racist movements. Black feminists have been doing that work for centuries.
What gets to me is the smug grin and thumbs up one of the women is giving the camera, as though she’s proud that her feminist politics are indifferent to state sanctioned male violence being weaponised against Black women.
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