Do you ever have daymares?

I thought I invented the term, and that I was the only person in the universe who got them. They happened a lot when I was a kid, slowed in college, and then came back in grad school.

So. weird.

But I googled, and apparently, it's in the dictionary!
Daymares are like nightmares, but while you're awake.

When I get caught up in one, 40 minutes or an hour can pass without my even noticing. Usually I'm walking in circles the whole time, without even noticing.
They're terrifying, and it's so hard to break free.

They usually involve someone trying to kill me. Or, someone trying to kill someone else and me intervening but failing - and then getting killed. Or making some terrible mistake that results in my death or someone else's.
I'm almost always aware that it's happening but can't seem to pull myself out of it.

It's like watching a movie in my head.

BUT, though I can't stop it, I can rewind it and try to change it.

BUT, no matter how many times I rewind/change it, the end is still the same. Futile.
It's kind of like daydreaming. But scary and distressing and morbidly gripping.
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