The British empire was an unambiguous evil entity from its start all the way to its end. This is common knowledge outside of British universities and outside of racist colonial believers.

By every metric the empire made the world it ruled worse.
Extracting wealth from the world to pool in Britain using violence, slavery, concentration camps and genocide did not somehow make the victims of this into better citizens of the world. Instead it destroyed the cultural and living history of hundreds of millions.
If you think the British empire was a worldly good you are wrong. It's the historical equivalent of saying the sky is brown. It's not only wrong its one of the most wrong things you can be about anything in history. It's equivalent to genocide denial.
Fucked up how people defend the empire for "spreading ideas and technology" as if those things can only spread via the violent extraction of wealth.

First of all, trade is the primary spreader of culture and technology. Not empire. The British empire held back this.
The empire actively kept technology and medicines from being spread and used by the people they ruled over. Before the empire ideas and culture and science could flourish between trading partners.

The Indian Ocean already had a thriving trade network. The British destroyed it.
After destroying the already existing institutions of the areas conquered by the empire the empire also set up its own for the purposes of wealth extraction to Britain, leaving the areas with the bare minimum.

After the empire left, these institutions would often be destroyed.
As in, "if we can't mine diamonds here anymore, then you can't either". Which meant that much of the wealth extraction infrastructure in much of British Africa for example, would be destroyed by the British when they left. Blowing up mines, railways, schools, offices.
The only thing the empire spread of violence and death for the purposes of making the British elite richer. That's it! That's the historical fact.

If you deny this you might as well deny the earth is round. History is not up for opinion, this is a historically scientific fact.
Nameseaching the British empire to defend it is the most pathetic thing a person can do.

I'm gonna start looking for people talking about syphilis and talk about how actually it's not so bad and a ton of diseases are also bad actually because *promptly shits myself*
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