how misty the rabbit died, a thread ♡
we initially had our rabbit snow, but we figured out he would get too lonely, so our house help gave us her rabbits ( because her children developed allergies ). she had two rabbits, ( we named them vivi and misty ).
vivi had a skin infection, indicating the possibility of misty having it too. we took them to the vet, and he said they would get better. we kept snow in one big carton box with circulation and the other two in another to avoid further infection.
despite the doctors reassurances that vivi would get better, vivi was found dead the next morning. misty just stood there next to his body, traumatized. if he died in the middle of the night, misty spent almost 6 hours with his dead body.
misty was really sad for the next few days. so one night when we took out the syringes to give her the medicine, she took her chance and CHOMPED on the plastic syringe cap before we could even get it out of her mouth and swallowed it 😶
and. we tried pumping her stomach to get it out but it wouldn't budge. the vets in our area were closed. she was pooping normally, so we thought she would be okay.

she died.
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