When those with privilege realize that their presumed authority is being contested, they can't just plug their ears and passively benefit off of other's oppression. They have to take action, usually through cop riots/fascist parades. It's here that their power has been disrupted.
They can't hit without losing in return. They're not able to order folks around as easily as they once could. Cops and other such folks are going to see themselves as losing out when people speak out for themselves. And they are! Losing one's privilege is a real "material" thing.
But lets be very clear. Property damage is NOT equivalent to violence!!!! When those who commit it are speaking out and "hitting back", they're not permanently tarnishing these people's resume with an arrest, they aren't taking people's lives.
Burning cars, breaking windows, and destroying prisons is all disruption; it LITERALLY encroaches on their territory. That is what they value, that IS their privilege!!! Slowly these actions erode their power and they are simply replaced.
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