1/6 Today I want to talk about Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and equality.

First, Lambeth's Emergency Transport Strategy, like everything we do in @UKLabour, is built upon tackling inequality.

Source: https://tfl.gov.uk/cdn/static/cms/documents/technical-note-12-how-many-cars-are-there-in-london.pdf

#LowTrafficNeighbourhood #FerndaleLTN
2/6 So, on car ownership: The majority of households in Ferndale ward do not have a car. Car ownership is at 35%.
3/6 On income inquality: Car ownership increases along with income. The more you earn, the more likely you are to have a car. The simple fact is that for many people in Lambeth, car ownership is a luxury which is unaffordable
4/6 ok on to some other interesting points about who owns cars. Men, we're much more likely to own a car. On average, 46 per cent of men and 34 per cent of women have access to a car in London. This is true for all ages...
5/6 now on to ethnicity, and here I quote directly from TfL: 'Car ownership is highest amongst London residents of White ethnic origin, with car ownership around a third lower amongst Black and Mixed or Other ethnic groups.'
6/6 there are 2.4 million cars in London. This figure is slowly decreasing. But, car ownership is unrealistic for so many households.

For the longest time, we have designed streets with only the car in mind, now we are starting to design them for pedestrians, cyclists and cars.
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