The question I get asked most is "what can we actually DO about wokeness?"

People don't want to get beaten up by antifa, or lose their livelihood to cancel culture. I understand the fear, but fighting takes courage.

So, tactics to fight back effectively:

A ThreadđŸ§”
My friend @ConceptualJames did a short mini-thread on this earlier, and I'll expand on those concepts here. However, first we need to talk about some things that will not work so we can clear them out, then we can discuss how woke power works, and how to counter it.

Let's go
Bad idea No. 1: "you need to use power to fight them because that all they understand."

You have no power. Unless you run a large institution, or own a large business, or you have more than 10 million followers, you have no power, so you're not fighting power with power....
Bad idea No. 2
"We need to elect a president who will deal with wokeness."

We've never had a "woke" President. Even Obama wasn't woke; yet here we are. The problem of wokeness comes from the culture, and cultural problems can't be solved with a political solutions...
bad idea no.3
"We need to take all branches of government, both federal and local, and make laws up and down to get rid of this stuff."

Again...wokeness is cultural and you can't vote your way out of it. You legislate it out of existence....besides which...
6/If you had the organizational capacity and cultural dominance to organize that you'd have done it already. you haven't because you don't have the cultural dominance, and you don't have the organizational capacity.

Don't vote woke, but you can't vote wokeness out of existence.
Bad idea no. 4
"we need to keep our heads down and just focus on our own families. It starts at home"

Family is important, but keeping quiet gives ground to the woke and allows them to do more damage. You need to fight back while you still can, so this is not an answer.
Bad idea no. 5
"we need to be as violent as they are and just beat them up when they riot."

This is a hard no for two reasons:
1. Political violence is an egregious moral evil.....

2. It would backfire because....
Violence makes people less sympathetic to your cause. Besides Antifa has experience being violent. They work at this and practice for it and they train their people to know when and how to do it
Have a look: https://twitter.com/IwriteOK/status/1297354613906001925?s=20/video1
So, those won't work.

So what do we do?

Well, the stuff that works is not exciting, no one will see, is annoying, and is time consuming....but it works.

Here we go:
Good idea number 1:
"When there is a position of influence over training in your organization aim to get it."

In many organizations there is someone who is in charge of training new employees. Lets use a school for example. Most school boards have someone whose job it is...
to over see internships and select materials used for training freshly graduated teachers. If a woke person gets that job you can be damned sure that they are going to use that spot to make wokeness a mandatory part of training right under the noses of the school board...
13/ So you angle for that job, work hard, and get it. Then you pick the materials and you use scrupulously neutral sources so their can be no complaint. If someone complains, you have excellent academically vetted sources.

The woke ALWAYS aim for positions like this, be it...
paramedics, police, firemen, welders (seen it) engineers, anything. The woke ALWAYS go for those positions because they can spread an unbelievable amount of wokeness that way. So, you go get that job, and then you train, and you keep them from making it woke.
Good idea no. 2

"Always go to all policy meetings of every kind that you can get into."

The woke will always try to slip a little bit of wokeness into your companies policies. Whether it is the company 5 year plan of the companies mission statement, they will always try...
to hijack the policy. Your job is to be there to push against it, or offer something better. When your company has it's annual general meeting they will try to propose a resolution to make the organization woke. This happened to me. I was the President of....
My universities Students Union. and we got wind that the wokies were going to show up in large numbers to the annual general meeting to pass resolutions to make the Students Union woke. Well, i organized our friends and we beat them. We had more non Woke students show up...
at the most boring meeting in history so at the end when they proposed their motion it got beat. It took two hours and everyone was annoyed....but we won. That was a decade ago and to this day they have never been able to get their policy passed 😃
good idea no.3

"understand what the purpose of a debate is"

Some people can be persuaded through reasoning and debate that wokeness is a threat, and some can't. In a conversation sometimes you need to proves to someone that wokeness is a threat, sometimes you have to...
know whether you are trying to cinvince the person you are debating, or are you convincing the bystanders?

If you are sitting alone with a friend then you can just speak to them and debate various points. However sometimes you're in public and people are watching. So...
In those cases the correct thing to do is to follow this advice from @ConceptualJames
Have a read and I'll explain why.... https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1297615561510330368?s=20
See most people think that wokeness is just a form of nice moderate liberalism and tolerance.

We all know that it isn't. So, what so we do about this? Well, what we want to do is force them to come clean about what they want. So what you so is ask honest questions about...
exactly what they believe. The goal isn't to frustrate them or "dunk" on them, you want them to explain FULLY what they are up to.

They hide their true intentions with linguistic sleights of hand, unclear terminology, and partial explanations. Make them be clear because....
Clarity is the enemy of lies.

People get caught up in wokeness and get sucked in because they never saw it for what it was.
If you force the wokists to be clear about what they really think people will reject it. They may not take on your views,but they will reject wokeness.
good idea No.4
"attend every school board meeting and bring every non-woke parent with you"

These meetings are where the woke try to get their things into the curriculum. They depend on meetings like this being empty. Much like the policy meetings I mentioned earlier...
You need to get parents to express their discontent at wokeness in the curriculum. Often the non-woke are a majority but don't even know it. However, if people in a position to do so can speak up, it gives courage to others. When that happens people start to vote your way.
Good idea no.5
"work your way to the top"

I generally don't advocate people being quiet. However, in certain cases, like getting tenure at a university, it is advantageous to wait until you have tenure, or your probation period is over, before you begin to push back...
and in some cases it is advantageous to remain quiet, even for year, when you occupy a position where you can gate-keep wokeness out without letting anyone know your doing it. For example, if you are the head of HR and have final say on all hires at a company, you might....
just keep quiet and make sure you only hire people who are not woke. Fill the positions and let the non-woke people you have hired naturally do the work for you.

Don't do this if you don't have any influence, but if you are in a spot to do this is can be a good strategy.
Good idea no.6
"be ready to use the law when wokies do illegal things"
Here is another tweet from @ConceptualJames
have a look at 5) https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1297627980278018048?s=20
The woke are very zealous to put wokeness into everything. If they, in their haste, discriminate against you, fire you for no reason, dismiss you without cause but don't pay a severance; then you absolutely must use the law. Many places have "loser pays" legislation....
32/ and the last thing they want to pay a huge sum and then lawyer fees on top of that. So, if they discriminate against you, and a lawyer you trust says you have a case, don't be bluffed by their "but your in power cause you're white so it isn't discrimination" shtick....
Don't get into a needless lawsuit that drains your bank account for no reason, but if the law is on your side and a lawyer will take it on a commission so you only pay if you win (if such a thing is possible) go for it. Don't be stupid about it, but don't be afraid of the law
good idea no. 7
"If a company goes woke stop buying their stuff"
Most companies are only going woke cause their freshly hired media teams and social media directors have convinced them that this is the way to go. If they go woke, send a message. Now, some people think...
This won't work. They think all the corporations are in on it. This is false. Companies care about money and I promise that proctor and gamble is not willing to go under in the name of transgenderism. gillette is a good example, they did their woke ads in 2019, and then what?
They took a massive hit, and ever since then we haven't seen a single woke ad from them, or any other razor company for that matter. Why? Because the group that buys razors "men in their 30's and 40's who keep clean cut" sent a message: No wokeness. Message received.
Marshall Ganz understood that you can only work with what you have, so you need to do an audit of everything you have and figure out how you can best use it.

I have included is organizing manual here for those interested in woke strategic thinking:
Good idea no.9
"Be aware that for the woke, nothing is to SMALL, and nothing is off limits."

You read that right.

Let me introduce you to Mr. Eric Mann, author of the book "playbook for progressives." This book is about woke organizing and what it tells us is....
38/ Eric Mann helped organize Los Angeles’s BRU: the Bus Riders Union.

Bus👏Riders 👏Union👏
He made a union for people who ride the bus, 3000 people joined, AND THEY PAY DUES.

While you cried over wokeness, this guy got bus riders in L.A. to give him money to do woke activism.
Because even something as small as riding a bus can be made woke, and they are not above talking to people who ride the bus, reaching out to them, and networking with them.

This is what the woke are willing to do. Now, are you willing to go to a school board meeting?
You do not want them to accuse you of ignorance or bigotry. Those insults can be effective. however, if you know their view and understand them, you can be far more effective in both pushing back at their smears and anticipating their next move.
Good idea. No. 11
"build the thing"
Whatever it is that you thinking you can build you must build. this is what the woke do. That's why they have a bus riders union and you can even have boy scouts....they build. so you need to build.
I know there are a thousand excuses to cry boo hoo and not build anything. There is a million reasons not to start a youtube channel, not to say anything at work, not to start a company, not to make a club, not to sell and idea. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons.
But that's all excuses covering for fear. The hard left spent 60 years building, and now they are where they are. You want push back? Ok. build.
good idea No. 12
"recognize that we outnumber them"

During the Roman Empire, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves wear white armbands to better identify them.
A wiser Senator said no. When asked why he said "If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."
This is the situation we are in. We need to recognize we outnumber the wokists, quit being afraid, and act like it.

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