One of the most pressing questions for conservative evangelicals is “why are we fertile ground for abuse and cover-up?”

There will be a lot of deep, troubling, interconnected answers to that question. One of them: everyone is exhausted, and exhaustion has been normalised.
We won’t effectively tackle our culture of abuse + cover-up in the conservative evangelical church without beginning to tackle our culture of ministry exhaustion.

It’s too easy to justify covering up for powerful men when we are over-worked + think we need them to stay afloat.
When you’re exhausted, power looks like godliness and short-cuts look like salvation. This is fertile ground for abuse and cover-up.
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it”
Isaiah 30v15

As a whole church culture, we need to repent and we need to rest.
This is great point 👇
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