TERF mobilization of 'scientific fact' vindicates even the most extreme postmodernists. Its entirely devoid of any scientific understanding and yet the social fetishism of science as good/ honest gives them much more power for claiming to have 'fact' on their side.
It's just discourse and word games tbh. Sex doesn't exist, at least not in any biologically straightforward typological sense. Women and the oppression of women does. Sex is the idea developed to explain and justify that. It's why science struggles to find any real evidence of it
That so many feminists have swallowed it is wild. But then lets be real TERFs are never pro-women or they'd make time to talk about issues that actually do harm women in contemporary life. I guess Trans Predatory Women is harder to coin, even tho their movement is largely
Just grown ups trying to bully and mock kids- also explains why they assume such a tone and deceit will work. Almost ironically enabled by the sexist myth women arent strong enough to be violent.
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