for starters, if i’m wrong or have anything incomplete feel free to correct me!!
and now this is how im going to organize this thread, i'll post the carrd where i took the information from, then summarized it so you don't have to read everything and still educate yourself!! after that i'll leave petitions or places to donate.
Syria is suffering a huge economic and political crisis due to the civil war happening there and now the sanctions imposed by the United States, that sends the Syrian economy into more turmoil than nearly a decade of war. also, the U.S. and its allies are deliberately seeking +
to plunge Syria into a state of blockade, food insecurity, and aggravated poverty. Infuriated by a failed military campaign to remove the Syrian leadership and government, the U.S. Coalition is now turning the economic screws on a nation that has endured a 10-year brutal war of +
attrition waged by extremist mercenaries power-multiplied by the U.S. supremacist alliance.
petitions don't work in the middle east so all we can do to help is spread awareness and donate if you can, i'll leave some links for you to donate but in the carrd there's more!!
Chechnya is an essentially autonomous republic in the country of Russia. The majority of the region practices the religion of Islam, that in no way advocates for violence against queer people, but Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Chechenya, is an extremist who uses the religion +
of Islam as an excuse to find and torture queer people there.
REVOLUTION - in october, 2019, the thawra (revolution) started after the prime minister, Saad Hariri, attempted to increase the prices of taxes, tobacco, gas, and even whatsapp (message app). protestors demanded for basic services such as healthcare, transportation, and stable +
electricity. the movement also seeks to dismantle the political system which is shared between the three main religious communities and a change in the discriminatory ways of the nationality law in order to allow lebanese women to pass down their citizenship to their children.
ECONOMICAL CRISIS - many people are in debt and out of business as the economy of lebanon comes to a halt. Importers of medical supplies have been almost shut down due to their debts, leaving hospitals in lebanon critically low on medical supplies.
FAMINE - Lebanon is now on the verge of starvation, prices of basic goods have skyrocketed. along with the famine, the poor and elderly struggle with high risks of COVID-19. the medical institution is dangerously lacking crucial medical supplies, the probabilities of death due to
+ both famine and the pandemic have increased significantly.
as i said before, petitions don't work at the middle east!! all we can do is donate and the safest way to donate to Lebanon is the red cross one!! and also, REMEMBER NOT TO DONATE TO http://CHANGE.ORG  THE DONATIONS GO TO THE WEBSITE NOT THE CAUSE!!
Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with more than 24 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 12 million children. With COVID-19 now spreading rapidly, Yemen is facing an emergency within an emergency. Sanitation and clean water +
are in short supply. Only half of health facilities are functioning, and many that remain operational lack basic equipment like masks and gloves, let alone oxygen and other essential supplies to treat the coronavirus. Many health workers are receiving no salaries or incentives, +
and 10.2 million children don't have access to basic healthcare.
TW// death

Children continue to be killed and maimed in the conflict, while the damage and closure of schools and hospitals has disrupted access to education and health services, leaving children even more vulnerable. Before COVID-19, around 2 million children were out of school
+ Now, because of the pandemic, schools have been closed around the country, leaving millions of children unable to access education.
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