Thread: Interesting thread calling out what seems to be fairly regular bs regarding autism. First off, when people talk about the autistic spectrum it isn't just a straight line you can grade someone on. It's more like a pick and mix selection, except we don't get to pick. 1/
How often do you cry? Let's see. I broke down in tears last night watch a sodding cartoon. I didn't when having to research torture methods used against refugees, with pics and video, earlier in the day. Why? Because things build up. It's not that we aren't emotional though. 2/
I can only ever speak from personal experience. I would never dream of saying "this is what autism is", because it is so varied and people have different traits. There is no one size fits all. 3/
I do get tired of this pernicious myth that autistic individuals, and again this is a term some use, some don't. See, we're all different. But, anyway this myth that we're cold and unemotional, just because we express emotions in a different way doesn't mean we don't have any. 4/
As for the what are you afraid of question. Damn, everything, but I deal. I risk assess everything and am hyper aware of my surroundings. Stick me in a situation where there is immediate risk and I am great, because what I normally worry about it right in front of me. 5/
When there isn't pressure on though I will be assessing the chances of global threats. Are my wife and daughter safe driving to the supermarket? Will that double glazed window suddenly explode inwards for no apparent reason? You name it,, I've probably thought about it. 6/
Do I necessarily show that fear? Of course not, because it is so bloody overwhelming at times, as with emotions, that the only way I can deal with it is by shutting down and coming across as cold and logical. That's the issue here for me. 7/
I'm not "unemotional", I laugh, a lot, a cry, a lot, and few people will ever see it beyond my wife and some very close friends, because over the years I have gotten better at burying it. When my emotions do come out, woah boy, because they have built up. 8/
Part of my issue is I don't understand them. Forget being autistic for a second. I was brought up to believe that men didn't cry. You were scared? "Man up". You didn't, then you were taught to "toughen up", or at the very least duck if you were fast enough to avoid the fist. 9/
So, if the researchers want to know "what I am feeling right now"? Angry, that you think you can pigeon hole people based on a few questions and treat them like Spock and hurt that people still see me as some kind of freak when all it takes is a little understanding. 10/
I couldn't do what I do if I showed emotion at every hideous and messed up thing that I see. I couldn't have been a journalist, in the days when I was, in the situations I was if I got over emotional and fearful at every situation. Stop treating us as if we're computers. 11/
Oh and as an addendum, if you don't think I can be emotional because I'm autistic you should see me right at the moment. I've got the wind howling outside, I'm working on difficult stuff and I've just read a thread saying I'm the f**king Borg. Believe me, I am emotional. 12/
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