forget for a second that tweeting sexual content about someone is disrespectful to that singular person, but isn’t it also completely disrespectful to your underaged followers? even if you put a trigger warning, a lot of kids don’t care about that and they’ve just read your tweet
containing your explicit fantasies revolving around sex, doesn’t that make you feel weird and uncomfortable? they’re too young to give consent to it. also i know people will clap back with the whole ‘it’s my account they can unfollow if they want,’ yes it is your account,
well done, but (9 out of 10 times) your account is public, which means that it’s out there for everyone to see. and yes they can unfollow you but that’s, once again, after they have read what you want so-and-so to do to you. i know many, many people on this app who are
12 years old (i know they shouldn’t be on here as the requirement is 13+ years old, but they are) if you are THAT desperate to share your sexual desires with twitter make a PRIVATE account and tweet whatever the fuck you want on it. i’m just saying, please dont attack me BYE
let me add something, i, myself, am not underaged but i do see many of my underaged moots voicing how weird they feel when seeing sexualisation etc. on the tl. also, as @DREAMWITHWALLS mentioned, as older people shouldn’t we be trying to make this app a comfortable, safe space
for the younger ones? if you disagree with anything i’ve said please dm me so we can have a civilised conversation without creating unnecessary drama on the tl for someone voicing their opinion
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