Sometimes I wonder if once you’ve had an eating disorder you kinda always have an eating disorder.

Am 40, had disordered eating since childhood. Just listening to a podcast describing an insane diet Judy Garland was on as a teenager. My first thought?
Not: “That’s super awful.”

It’s: “I wonder where I could get that chicken soup. Could I make it? How many calories would it have? How long could I do that diet before being sick of it?”

And there are about three more steps before getting to the “That’s super awful.”
“Could I lose 5kgs in a week with it? Maybe it’s worth it?”

“If I stayed on it a month, maybe I’d get x job? Maybe x would love me?”

“Must go online and see if Harris Farm has chicken soup.”
Then, finally, “No. That’s super awful. Enough, you’re 40.”

Basically, this is your reminder to let people be who they are so we can not have eating disorders and waste valuable thoughts on the bullshit above that could be going into a new play, story *insert your creativity*
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