Whenever I see people say trump is a terrible racist I cringe. Yes he has done terrible shit but take it from someone who has grown up in Georgia and still lives in Georgia. I’ve seen racism, genuine racism. I’ve seen people threaten to kill black people. (1/2)
(2/3) Ive heard some of the most vile shit from people here. Hell I’ve even heard black people threaten to kill white people here. Racism is everywhere and it will never go away no matter what you do. Younger people will learn that it’s wrong and some won’t.
(3/3) What you need to realize is that racism will eventually go away in a sense that it won’t be everywhere but it will always exist and we all need to accept that and move on. I get it, solving it will be great but it can’t be solved.
The point of this thread is to say that racism will never go away. Most older people are racist and spread it to their kids. Laws won’t end it, it’s truly up to a racist person to decide whether it’s worth it or not and if they don’t change then move on and live your life.
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