there's a big ass fire that's been burning for like almost 24 hours at a factory a few miles out of town and now the air is toxic sludge
I had to briefly walk out in the open when I drove my friend home and the rain stung me,, the air is foggy with smoke and it's formed legit clouds above the whole of town
usually the factories on that strip light up that whole part of the sky at night and when it's cloudy you can see the orange light reflecting off the clouds even from here in town

tonight the sky is pitch black, ya can't see a damn thing
living in a poor, largely industrial/agricultural area means occasionally the air will just become poison it's nbd
me: I'm taking a break from social media, gonna spend more time in nature
my county: do not go outside the air will kill you
you ever just go outside and everything smells faintly of burning tires
I hate this, and I hate that I've been cursed to spend a whole lifetime on this shit plane of reality
even at night you can see the smoke plume stretching across the sky bc it's darker than the rest of the clouds,,, god industrial society why,,,, so many human lives and local wildlife gonna get fucked up by the metric shitload of burning plastic billowing smoke into the ecosystem
gaaaaah this is just so awful and I've had an awful enough last few days already
county gov out here telling people not to go outside at all rn, as if coronavirus wasn't enough on us
I randomly got spam checked for this thread...thanks twitter I really appreciate it, I'm glad my pseudo-vague rant about local current events warranted locking my account briefly
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