2. This is the governments own advice on government corruption;
"Corruption can occur on a grand scale that is continuing and that causes great economic and social damage"
3. "Corruption prevention must be underpinned by laws that prohibit and punish corrupt conduct.
Acts such as the Crimes Act 1914 and the Criminal Code Act 1995 list a great number of offences with heavy penalties"
4. Abuse of public office is one of those crimes listed in the criminal code, there are many more.
6. Australia is also part of the Foreign Bribery Public Awareness Campaign, yet our governments become beholden to foreign interests at the expense of the local people who politicians are meant to represent. https://www.ag.gov.au/crime/foreign-bribery
7. Australia is also a member of Interpol. So there are many avenues for Australians to individually and collectively report Governments that act as tyrannical regimes seeking to enslave its citizens on intentionally flawed basis. https://www.interpol.int/en/Who-we-are/Member-countries/Asia-South-Pacific/AUSTRALIA
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