#sheith #collegeau #backgroundguy #nsfw #misunderstanding #presumedadamshiro (but it’s not). #tpqsparks

The professor tells them that they can’t use the private chat to flirt or fight so Keith’s first idea is to do both.
There’s this guy.

And no, not hot guy. We’ll get to hot guy in a second.

The other one.

The ask a million questions on the first day one. Yeah... him.
His Window very irritatingly has his full name Adam West. And he’s asking questioning every two fucking seconds about material that is clearly in the syllabus.

Keith wants to murder him with his eyes.
So it’s a good thing that he’s just a black screen so he can simply glare or roll his eyes whenever Adam’s window pops up with another question.

Keith’s only notes have been a bunch of half-hearted doodles and it would be so fucking easy to be on his phone right now.
But he promises Krolia that he’d pay attention and get through it.

But every time Adam speaks, Keith’s two seconds away from exiting out the call and dropping out.
Until He arrives.

In the background.

Keith was too busy glaring holes into Adam’s face to see mysterious shirtless stranger doing... pull-ups. Definitely pull-ups. Behind Adam.


Did I mention he was shirtless?
Keith goes from bored to very, very interested.

He wants Adam to talk more for the first time since this whole class started.

The full-size screen is too small to make out clear features but that dude is hot.
And he’s going from two handed pull-ups to one handed with ease, showing off the strength of his metal arm.

Keith’s looking. And so are a couple other people, long dismissing Adam’s 800th question for mysterious stranger and perking up.
One girl was actively drooling a little bit and even a couple of guys were shifting around in their seats.

Keith wasn’t immune either.

The guy finishes his set and disappears out of frame, much to the disappointment of the entire class.
The prof wraps up quickly, reminding them all to finish their readings for next class and to fill out intros. Boring busywork.

But Keith is going full detective mode now.
He’s searching through Adam’s intro for any sign of the guy mentioned. He has his full name so it’s an easy google search and bam. Socials. EZ GG

Keith almost feels bad.
From there it’s friends list, looking through photos. Geolocation. And... gotcha.

Takashi. Shiro. And of course he had an page. Covered. In Abs.

Work-outs. Gym selfies. Granola bowls.
Keith’s last meal was a half-can of Monster and leftover pizza.

Keith scrolled and kept scrolling through. Picture after Picture until he finally reached the end.

The dude was just... pretty. Smart too judging by the scholarship posts. Went to the same college. Definitely Gay
But that’s where it ends.

They’re in two completely different majors. No clue about the whole Adam front. The only link is Adam. Fuck.

Adam Fucking West.
Keith was desperate but was he.. that desperate?


But maybe the page was enough.

Shiro posted regularly. Keith could live off of that. Probably.
Shiro was out of his league anyway. Like way way way out of his league.

Keith stared before clicking on the motivation tab, seeing videos of Shiro... Shiro’s voice... praising... uplifting.
“Never a bad time to take a breather.” “Remember to drink your water today!” “Sometimes tomorrows need to come faster but every day should be cherished because I met you.”

They were cheesy stupid. Live. Laugh. Love levels.
But it was working. Keith was getting addicted.

He tabbed Shiro’s page, not wanting to watch them all in one go.

All he could do now is wait for class and hopefully get another glimpse. Fuck.

Remember! If you want NSFW of this thread, tip me a ko-fi with collegeAU or backgroundguyAU in the notes! (I’m going to continue this because IOU but tips are always appreciated)
When it comes to classes next week... Keith is prepared. Excited. Alert. He drank his coffee brewed with Monster because he wants to be on it if Shiro comes in again.

But the worst comes true.
Adam isn’t there.
Keith’s about a soft thirty minutes early to class, figuring that Adam would be the type to be there.... 30 minutes before an 8 am fucking class.

But none of the black squares has his stupid name on them.
Keith is crushed. Did Adam drop?

It was possible. Keith’s memory was stupidly focused on Shiro and only Shiro on the background that Adam might have hated the syllabus in his mountain of classes and decided to drop the class.

Keith continued the rest of class as a black screen. Not bothering to take any notes or pay any attention to what the prof was saying.
This was ridiculous. Keith was acting stupid and petty because he saw a pretty body and he needed to chill out.

He dove into his assignments. At least he had Shiro’s fitness stuff. That could be enough right?
Keith returned back to the fitness blog, looking for any sign of any personal news.

He was definitely reaching. But it was possible that Shiro would post something? Maybe?

He was reaching.
‘Allow yourself to make mistakes sometimes. No one is perfect and you don’t have to be.’ And then a series of hashtags about fitness and living an authentic truth and then sorrya😳

Keith blinked at that.

It might have been the Monster Coffee but-
-what else could that be referring?

Keith filed it away on the back of his mind. Stupid hopes rising again for next week. Next week could confirm if Adam was in the class or he dipped.
But next week also brought a goddamn Group Project. Assigned Group Project.

Keith wanted to personally stab his Prof.

Group Projects were the only thing worse than mandatory meetings.
But Lady Luck was kind enough.. oh so generous.

And he got Adam in his group.

Close to 100 people in this class and Keith got Adam.

But boy howdy was he a dictatorial dick about things.
Keith wasn’t an idiot. He got in this college on a scholarship and he was currently rocking a 4.0 on an overloaded schedule for the past year and a half.

But Adam... Adam treated them like they were literal fucking babies.
He immediately assumed he would have to take responsibility on everything. That their work was immediately inferior and how it would be such a strain on him to do so.

Keith was in a very stabby mood that day.
The only thing that made it worth it was Adam moving from his dull and boring tone to an almost shrill “Takashi.”

Keith sat up at that, looking intensely into the two inch window for Shiro.
“-it’s a smoothie offering. I went down and got us some on our run.”

Keith’s jaw dropped as Shiro’s forearm came into view, setting the smoothie by him before hugging him and placing a loud smack on his head. “I’m sorry okay. I promise not to interrupt your class again.”
“You’re interrupting now.” Adam said pointedly, flush bright on his face and glasses askew. “And you reek. Go shower already.”

Shiro blinked, bending down to look at the computer, smiling and waving, “Sorry guys. Don’t mind me. Go back to doing whatever you were. Stay in school-
-Don’t do drugs.”

“Now. Takashi.” Adam said, straightening out his glasses.

Shiro’s grin just got boyish as he waved bye, sticking his tongue out at Adam as he left.

“I can still see you.”

Shiro had a busted look on his face and high-stepped it.
During the entire encounter, Shiro’s White tank top had been plastered to him and stretched out where he wiped his forehead and way too small. It was a tank top for children.

One of the other students gushed about how cute Adam’s boyfriend was and Adam avoided the question.
Keith was stunned by the whole exchange. He wasn’t expecting any of it.

He knew that it was a possibility given the close living experience of Adam and Shiro but this was...
He forgot he had his camera on and he looked at his appearance and swore lowly to himself.

He had a pen keeping his hair up and it was obvious that he hadn’t seen the sun in centuries based on how washed out he was.
How was it that Shiro looked incredible and bronzed and he sounded dumb but like himbo energy dumb which was actually very cute?

Keith was dying.

They had to meet again too thanks to the group project.
He didn’t know if he could handle more of Shiro.

And what was worse was that Adam didn’t really say anything about their relationship status.

Were they dating? They obviously lived together. But that seemed kinda like dating behavior.
Granted... Shiro also seemed the type to be that overtly friendly.

Adam’s blush also didn’t help.

Shiro seemed like the type to be proud to be out. He had rainbow posts for pride. Wore rainbow infused merch.
Wouldn’t Shiro be... open about his relationship?

Keith pondered this not realize again that he was still on call and they were asking him about his availability.

Keith pretended like his screen had froze.
(Hey! Long time no update! Remember you can specifically request NSFW to this thread by tipping my Ko-fi and including #backgroundstrangerau or #collegeau in the comments! But there’s more to this!) https://ko-fi.com/thephrasequeen 
You can follow @thephrasequeen.
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