So I've been thinking and I feel as if I should put my goals for my channel in text here. I have smaller ones and of course some larger, more long term ones.
First, short term. I want to get 10 followers and an average of 3 viewers per stream. Every time I gain 10 followers I'll make it my goal to get 10 more (hopefully the average viewers rises too) until I get to 50 at which point I should become an affiliate which is big goal #1!
I'll probably keep up the increments of 10 for smaller goals up til I reach 100 at which point I might increase it by 20s instead. Now moving on to my big big goal for now...
So Celeste is my favorite game of all time. If I ever get an average of 100 viewers per stream then I would love to do a charity stream where all donations would be given to a charity that supports mental health.
I know something like this is a long ways off and may never even come to be true... but I will keep streaming and working for it. Aside from that, I want to wish any of you who saw this thread a wonderful day/night.

#twitch #streaming #gaming #celestegame #goals #determination
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