If you keep reading, it can possibly prevent you from developing age related cognitive impairments. Reading ensures that your brain is actually working hard. Your brain is a muscle just like those biceps- keep lifting weights aka keep reading books
Reading for pleasure can help reduce some of the stress in your life, even for a little as 30 minutes a day. If you’re like me, and stress out easily- just read to avoid your problems. Works like a charm ;)
I love sleeping and reading. Thankfully, they both can go hand in hand. Reading can help get you comfy, cozy and ready for bed- try to avoid blue light though, it might cause some restlessness.
Reading can help to mellow out depression. Diving into a good book can alleviate some of those feelings of isolation and loneliness. If you’re into fantasy like me, you can escape into an entirely different world
Some people say that reading can help you live longer- no wonder vampires always have such large libraries. If you’re still noy convinced that reading is good for you then you are seriously missing out.
All reading facts in this thread hails from healthline at https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-reading-books#what-to-read check it out for the full article
Some of my favourite books include: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas; Outlander by Diana Galbaldon; Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo; Simon vs the Homosapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli; and Reckless Magic by Rachel Higginson
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