Man Q Anon is out of control
National guard is already there. I don't know maybe they're playing Angry Birds on their smartphones watching peoples entire life savings get destroyed by 18 year old nihilists?
More systemic racism being obliterated by destroying street lights poor people need to avoid crime and accidents at night. Truly some social justice happening here.
I think bored teenagers should be allowed to destroy basically anything they want as long as they declare their cause righteous, what could go wrong?
Look you can't argue with their *lived experience* of watching some YouTube videos and reading an Ibram Kendi oped one time before they decided to torch some Somali refugees business
And remember folks, left wing political violence is a myth, crime is just a code word, the biggest threat to humanity is always a boomer Facebook page, and if you see anything that goes against your narrative, just yell "stop both sides-ing" and it will disappear from your memory
"We affirm that we would rather lose 100 buildings than one more life to police violence."

What do they think it's Grand Theft Auto if you do enough pointless destruction you get 5 stars or something?
There's a term for this in psychology: displacement aggression. When you take out your anger on innocent bystanders or some third party. It drives, for instance, child abuse and domestic violence. You aren't supposed to validate this idea of violence just to expiate anger.
But shout out to the Bradford Community Church Unitary Universalists for excusing the mass destruction of *other people's* buildings as they note that their church was spared.
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